What are you willing to die for?

Not for who.  That’s too easy.  For what?

What belief?  What philosophy?  What ideology?  What theory?  What pursuit?  What desire?


That for which you will die should be that for which you are living.

That for which you are living should be that for which is worth dying.


The name Shadrach comes from the Book of Daniel in the Old Testament of the Bible.

Shadrach was one of three young Hebrew men who, along with the rest of the Israelites,

were taken from Israel and placed in captivity in Babylon.  During the captivity, these

three had their lives threatened for not worshiping the Babylonian king and his idols.

As punishment for their refusal, they  were bound and thrown into a fiery furnace.

Jehovah God rescued them, as they endured a literal trial by fire.

Read the rest of the details here.


The single man in the flame is Shadrach in the midst of the fire.

The clothes are designed to share the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ

and to expose society to the Holy Scriptures of the Bible.

Will you wear them?  Will you have trial by fire for your faith?

What are you willing to die for?

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